How using AI in recruitment makes an impact: ChatGPT

AI in recruitment: Artificial Intelligence, Technology, Robot, Futuristic, Data Science, Data Analytics, ChatGPT


  • How using AI in recruitment makes an impact: ChatGPT
  • What is CV Fraud?
  • AI in Recruitment and CV Fraud.
  • How to identify ChatGPT created CVs: Tips for Employers.

The integration of AI in recruitment is becoming more and more prevalent in 2023, especially with the launch of ChatGPT.  ChatGPT was developed by OpenAI which has unparalleled capabilities, generating human-like text and has revolutionised how we interact with technology.  

ChatGPT isn’t only used for simple interactions, we have seen an increasing number of candidates utilising AI tools to create CVs. Noting that some CVs for the same job role are very similar in style and wording.

AI in recruitment showcases how candidates can enhance their personal branding, bringing a significant challenge for employers and HR. Whilst probationary periods are in place to assess employee capabilities, employers must take all necessary actions prior to hiring the candidate.

In addition to the already time-consuming hiring process, employers and HR consultants now face the challenge of distinguishing genuine talent from a slew of AI-enhanced applications.

If using AI in recruitment, especially for enhancing their CV, can this be defined as CV fraud by the candidate?

What is CV Fraud?

In a competitive job market, candidates feel they need to stand out more leading to exaggeration and lies on their CVs. A trend we have been seeing over the last couple of years is CV fraud and we feel this may accelerate as AI tools develop becoming more intelligent and human-like.

CV fraud is defined as the act of embellishing or falsifying details on their curriculum vitae (CV), making their CV appear to outstand compared to other candidates. Candidates may lie about their qualifications.  The exaggerations may range from their job responsibilities to the length and depth of experience for example, they may have gotten training but never used it in practice. Furthermore, people may also fabricate entire job roles or academic achievements.

It may seem harmless to exaggerate on a CV, however, there can be significant impacts on employers and undermine the integrity of the recruitment process.

AI in Recruitment and CV Fraud

The amalgamation of AI in recruitment adds another layer of complexity to CV fraud. AI tools such as ChatGPT, with their advanced capabilities and plug-ins, allow for crafting CVs that sound extremely impressive and tailored specifically to job descriptions. The AI tool will create a CV that outlines both essential and desirable criteria. Whilst it may sound/read authentically, its entirely fictional or enhanced.

An example is that a candidate’s skills are entry-level, but they use ChatGPT to make their experience look mid-senior level. The candidate is possibly wanting higher status or salary. Employers must differentiate between genuine talent and AI-produced experience.

AI is simple for anyone to use, allowing those with limited IT experience to develop CVs rivalling those of true professionals.

The revolution of AI in recruitment is only beginning, blurring the line further for employers identifying true talent within CVs, furthermore, could there also be an issue of ethical practices with AI in recruitment.

How to identify ChatGPT created CVs: Tips for employers

As the use of AI in recruitment increases, employers must be able to differentiate between AI and genuine CVs ensuring they are recruiting the right workforce. Ways to identify AI-generated CVs;

Unrealistic achievements

One of the biggest signs of AI-generated CVs is the listing achievements, consider if they seem overly ambitious or don’t sync with the candidate’s experience level. Are they a recent graduate claiming to have led multi-million-dollar projects or boasting of work experience reserved for senior professionals with 10 + years in the business? This is a red flag for employers.

Employers may feel they need to ask for evidence of the experience to clarify any concerns, background, and additional screening may be necessary prior to interviewing the candidate.

Irregularities in language and tone

AI-generated content is extremely impressive, however, it may lack the personal side of human writing making it less relatable, especially in CV writing. If you feel the CV is AI-generated look out for phrases or terminologies that don’t align with the candidate’s overall profile. Take into consideration if the CV fluctuates from industry-specific jargon to basic language. Watch out for any industry terms used incorrectly.

Utilise references

Thorough reference checks should be carried out before issuing thecontract of employment, this gives the employers valuable insights especially if you go beyond the standard questions. Employers should be asking specific questions about the candidate’s previous responsibilities, roles, and achievements. By asking these types of questions, employers are able to gauge the authenticity of the information provided by the employee.

Any queries on discrepancies employers have between the CV and references, notes should be taken and all queries clarified with the candidate.

Technical assessments and Interviews

If you have any concerns about the candidate’s CV and claims made within it, practical assessments can play a key role in confirming the candidate’s claims. Employers can set practical tests, task simulations, or presentations around a specific task related to the role.

Furthermore, using behavioural interview techniques focusing on previous experiences and results helps with understanding a candidate’s actual capabilities for the job role, rather than AI-generated CV/experience.

By implementing these strategies, employers can better navigate the challenges posed by candidates using AI in recruitment. These steps will help to make informed recruitment decisions.

How an HR Consultancy can assist with AI in recruitment

An outsourced HR consultancy will play a vital role in ensuring businesses hire genuine talent for their business. As the landscape of recruitment evolves as AI in recruitment continues to become more prevalent, having external advice from an HR consultancy will assist with hiring genuine talent. Their expertise and resources can be invaluable in navigating the challenges posed by AI-enhanced CVs.

Expertise in Spotting Red Flags

HR professionals, with their extensive experience in recruitment, possess a keen eye for spotting inconsistencies in CVs. Whether it’s an achievement that doesn’t align with a candidate’s career trajectory or a skill that seems out of place, their trained instincts can quickly identify potential red flags.

Personalised Interview Techniques

One of the most effective ways to test the authenticity of a CV is through a well-crafted interview. As part of our recruitment service, we will design interview questions specifically tailored to probe deeper into claims made in a CV. Further to this, they will help you gain a clear understanding if the candidate meets the essential criteria to be successful in the job role.

By asking candidates to elaborate on specific achievements or describe particular experiences in detail, interviewers can gauge the authenticity of their claims.

Additionally, role-play or situational interviews offer a practical way to assess a candidate’s genuine experience. These techniques force candidates to think on their feet and demonstrate their skills in real time, making it challenging for those who have embellished their CVs to succeed.

Training Hiring Managers

The challenges posed by AI in recruitment are ever-evolving, and staying updated is crucial. HR consultancies can offer workshops and training sessions to hiring managers, focusing on the latest recruitment challenges, including the rise of AI-generated CVs.

By providing hiring managers with the knowledge and tools to identify AI-enhanced applications, businesses will be able to make more informed and accurate hiring decisions.

By partnering with BeyondHR for recruitment, businesses can navigate the complexities of modern recruitment with confidence, ensuring they hire qualified candidates.

Check out these resources

The recruitment process: 11 steps for the recruitment process

Right-to-work checks updates

Exit interviews

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