Artificial Intelligence and Recruitment – Technology’s role in selecting people

Over the last couple of years, businesses have had to embrace technology more than ever. The use of technology specifically Artificial Intelligence has been adopted throughout many industries and fast becoming a valuable addition in everyday work processes. For example, in the world of HR and Recruitment, we can see how Artificial Intelligence has become part of the role in selecting people.

Although Artificial Intelligence sounds like something from a sci-fi movie the reality is much more down to Earth. Effectively A.I. is software that can carry out tasks that would usually be carried out by people such as decision-making, visual and vocal recognition, and translation.

Benefits of Artificial Intelligence

Benefits of Artificial Intelligence

As with most technological innovations, Artificial Intelligence (AI) can bring efficiencies to the recruitment process by undertaking some of the time-consuming processes associated such as scheduling interviews or the initial screening of candidates. An area we have seen become more popular throughout all industries is the use of AI-driven chatbots. In HR, these bots can provide candidates with automated answers to some of their questions regarding the role they are thinking of applying for or about the recruitment process itself. For a recruiter, these queries can be quite time-consuming and can come in their hundreds taking them away from other areas of the process where they could be adding more value.

Between June and August 2021, the ONS reported that there were more than 1,000,000 job vacancies in the UK. This is a staggering number but more significantly it means that when an employer starts a recruitment process, they are entering into a war for talent with thousands of other employers. With so many vacancies to choose from it is hard to keep the attention of good candidates but by adopting AI solutions employers may be able to keep the interest of the candidates, screen candidates in real-time and schedule interviews. For example, an AI automation can answer job seekers queries at times most convenient to them which can often be outside of office hours.

The biggest potential benefit is also one of the most controversial. With the use of algorithms, AI can be used to widen the potential talent pool that employers can recruit from. How this work is, the algorithms analyses people’s online/social media presence and based on the data gather it makes predictions to determine what they might be interested in. In this case, the algorithm is showing the potential candidates targeted job adverts that they might be interested in applying for. It works in a similar way to retargeting advertisements – you know the one that follows you around showing you the consumer product you last looked at?!

However, it is vital that recruiters understand and are confident in the systems they are using. Ensuring that you are being inclusive and making sure no group is being discriminated against i.e., that human bias is being replicated in computer form.

It was recently reported that Facebook was accused of breaching equality legislation by campaign group, Global Witness who said that they had failed to prevent discriminatory targeting of ads and its algorithm was biased in choosing who would see them. They carried out an experiment that showed almost all Facebook users shown adverts for mechanics were men, while ads for nursery nurses were seen almost exclusively by women. No doubt there is software for certain tasks that have the potential to remove human bias, but it is important to check this.

There are undoubted benefits of using AI in recruitment. We see it as complementing human interaction rather than replacing it. Some tasks can be tackled by software to help automate and speed up the process, this also makes the recruiter’s life easier, and the candidates experience better. However, there will always be a need in the recruitment process for empathy and contextual understanding which can only be achieved with people-to-people engagement.

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The Great Reshuffle

The Great Reshuffle

Are you struggling to find talented and experienced candidates for job vacancies due to the great reshuffle? People changing careers has soared by 50% globally causing the biggest change in the recruitment market and skill shortages rising.

Unemployment rate has fallen to 4.3% following the pandemic leading to an employee-driven market. Employers need to consider improvements to their company culture, recruitment process and online employer branding.

Considerations to your online reviews from the customer and ex-employees contribute to your online employer branding. Candidates are more likely to research a company to gather an opinion. Candidates look at the company’s social media channels, online customer testimonials and some utilise Glassdoor helping to provide insights to company culture from employee reviews.

The top priority for candidates is work life balance, however the fastest growing priority was flexible working arrangements which grew by 12.3% from April 2020 to June 2021. Are you highlighting your flexibility within your job description? Candidates appreciate companies who are transparent within the job description, for example, including hybrid opportunities to including the salary range. Another transparency tip is to ensure the companies name  is within job advertisement.

Companies being flexible to remote working is not providing a work-life balance culture. If employees are expected to work after office hours and weekends for ‘business needs’, this isn’t a work-life balance culture.

Recruitment Process during the great reshuffle

What is your recruitment process, are you carrying interviews out by video call or face-to-face, or both? Pre-pandemic 94% of final interviews were carried out face-to-face, post-pandemic this figure has dropped to 17%.  Are you willing to adapt your interview process to be flexible if candidates ask for a video call interview?

Improvements to your interview process is critical, candidates who have a bad interview experience change their mind on the role. Things to consider is the number of interviews, interview questions, and highlighting the benefits of working with your business.

For new generations especially Gen-Z (1997-2012), having clear career progression within a company can be a pull to accepting a role. This is a great company benefit.  Furthermore, focusing on an inclusive and diverse workforce is putting greater pressure on companies. To attract new generations, they must ensure their workforce highlights diversity and inclusivity.

Interview Questions

Interview questions can help the candidate to form opinions on the business,  a report by LinkedIn highlighted 5 interview questions which could be adapted or removed:

  1. ‘We’re going to give you a quick test.’ – candidates should be made aware of test prior to interview and not come as a surprise.
  2. ‘What salary range are you looking for.’ – this question can cause pay inequality due to candidates basing this off pervious salary bases.
  3. ‘What would your last boss say about you’ or ‘what would your friends say about you.’ – realistically candidates are going to provide positive and encouraging answers.
  4. ‘Do you know what we do here.’ – this question can be stressful for candidates; it may be more beneficial to ask ‘What is it about our company that made you apply’
  5. ‘Why are you looking to leave your current employment.’ – this question gets candidates heart racing, trying to ensure they don’t come across negatively.

At Beyond HR, we can support your business in your recruitment process to ensure a positive experience for candidates. We can also help in providing advice for onboarding new employee whether its remote or in-office onboarding. 

Check out our recruitment page or drop us an email for any recruitment needs you may require.