Employee Appraisal template

Employee appraisal: close appraisal form and paperwork, evaluation and assessment concept for business

Employee Appraisal Template

Home Resources  Employee Appraisal template


  •  Employee Appraisal form template
  • The short-form employee appraisal template. 1
  • Linking performance and behaviours. 2
  • Understanding employee appraisals. 2
  • Why you should be conducting an employee appraisal. 3

Employee appraisals are often regarded as the foundation of human resource management, playing a critical role in analysing and enhancing the productivity and performance of the company’s workforce. Using our employee appraisal form (short-form) provides you with a structure for delivering feedback and recognition to employees. Furthermore, employee appraisal forms are used for implementing professional growth, alongside aligning employees and company goals for growth.

Many companies are turning to outsourced HR consultancies for streamlining and optimising their employee appraisal processes. We are providing you with an employee appraisal form in short form to kick-start the streamlining of employee performance reviews.

Our HR consultants can help ensure you make unbiased evaluations, provide an understanding of best practices in appraisal reviews, and help you provide a consistent approach to managing employee performance.

Our short-form appraisal template has been designed by our team of HR consultants for efficiency and clarity bringing consistency to how your business evaluates employee performance. Its benefits are numerous: from saving time for both managers and employees to ensuring that feedback is direct, actionable, and constructive.

The short-form employee appraisal template

Our employee appraisal template is the first step for streamlining your employee appraisal process, for the next steps our HR consultants can assist in ensuring you have taken all necessary steps.

The downloadable document covers;

  1. Assessment of performance against key tasks
  2. Technical abilities
  3. Personal characteristics
  4. Agreed objectives for the next approval.
  5. Overall performance rating
  6. Appraisees comments
  7. Appraisers’ overall comments

Download the employee appraisal form template to begin the process of improving your employee appraisal strategies.

Linking performance and behaviours

It’s no longer enough to only evaluate the output, looking at the how is more crucial to give a better picture of the employee. More and more businesses are now catching on that behaviours drive performance so why aren’t you also including these to be measured?  

Behaviours play a vital role in company culture, essentially the building blocks. The right behaviours lead to a positive and productive workforce.

We can help improve the process and drive behaviours in your business to link with performance.

Our HR expertise lies in

  • Behavioural Assessment: We use methodologies to assess behaviours, ensuring that the measurements are accurate and relevant.
  • Integration with Performance Metrics: Seamlessly integrates behavioural data with performance metrics, providing a holistic view of employee performance.
  • Customised Solutions: Every business is unique, and so are its behavioural dynamics. We offer tailored solutions to ensure that the behaviours being measured align with your organizational goals and values.

Don’t yet have behaviours in place to measure – that’s where BeyondHR comes in!

Understanding employee appraisals

At its essence, an employee appraisal is a structured assessment that gauges an individual’s performance, contributions, and potential within an organisation. This evaluation isn’t just a reflection of an employee’s achievements and areas for growth, but it also serves as a gauge for the effectiveness of the company’s training practices.

The regularity of these appraisals plays a pivotal role in maintaining a motivated and well-informed workforce. By instituting consistent check-ins, companies ensure that employees are not only aware of their current standing but also understand where their career is heading within the company. This can act as motivation for productivity and a high standard of performance.

Regular employee appraisals act as touchpoints, fostering open communication between employees and management. They serve a dual purpose: recognising and rewarding high performance, while also identifying and addressing areas that require improvement. This continuous feedback loop promotes a culture of learning, where employees are encouraged to develop their skills and knowledge.

Insights gained from employee appraisals are invaluable for company decision-making. They will assist with HR decisions such as promotion, and compensation adjustments as well as identifying where training is needed and who has the potential to be manager.

Employee appraisals create a roadmap, helping to guide both employee’s career paths and assist with the company’s talent management strategy; helping them understand if they need to promote and hire.

As with all practices, there may be an issue of bias. This is where a well-structured employee appraisal form can be of assistance. The bias may come from a manager’s unconscious preference for an employee or a systemic bias within appraisal criteria. If there is prejudices within the appraisal criteria it impacts the accuracy of the analyses. Companies must face the daunting task of standardising the appraisal process – this is where outsourced HR consultants will assist.

Understanding how to deliver constructive criticism is critical, limiting the risk of demotivating employees. Counteracting how employees should react after performance reviews/employee appraisals, employees may become demotivated and less productive.

Trying to strike the right balance for feedback, being honest, and encouraging is vital for appraisals to be constructive exercise. Boosting employee performance and morale.

By understanding the ins and outs of the appraisal process and its importance, a company can create a system that not only evaluates performance but also assists with growth, development, and mutual respect between employees and management.  Helping with recruitment and retention in the company, as employees will be seen progressing their career in the company.

Why you should be conducting an employee appraisal.

Employee appraisals, also known as performance reviews, are a fundamental aspect of human resource management.

These evaluations, when conducted effectively, can offer a wide range of benefits for companies and employees. Understand why your company should be conducting employee appraisals;

  1. Performance Enhancement: Appraisals provide a structured platform to assess an employee’s strengths and areas of improvement. By identifying these areas, companies can offer targeted training and development opportunities, helping to improve performance and productivity.
  2. Motivation and Engagement: Recognising and rewarding high performers can significantly boost an employee’s morale. When employees feel valued and appreciated, they are more likely to be engaged, motivated, and committed to their roles.
  3. Career Development: Appraisals often involve discussions about career aspirations and future growth within the company. This not only helps employees chart their career paths but also aids organizations in retaining top talent by providing growth opportunities.
  4. Open Communication: Performance reviews foster open dialogue between employees and management. This two-way communication helps in addressing concerns, clarifying expectations, and building a transparent work environment.
  5. Informed Decision Making: Appraisal results are invaluable for HR decisions related to promotions, compensation adjustments, and succession planning. By having a clear understanding of an employee’s performance, companies can make informed and fair decisions.
  6. Goal Alignment: Appraisals ensure that individual goals are aligned with the broader company objectives. By setting and reviewing these goals periodically, companies can ensure that everyone is working towards the same goal.
  7. Identifying Training Needs: Through appraisals, companies can pinpoint specific skills or knowledge gaps in their workforce. This helps in designing targeted training programs, ensuring that employees have the necessary tools and skills to excel in their roles.
  8. Reducing Attrition: Regular feedback and the opportunity for growth can lead to higher job satisfaction, reducing the likelihood of employee turnover. Retaining experienced employees is often more cost-effective than hiring and training new ones.
  9. Legal Protection: Documented performance reviews can serve as evidence in legal scenarios, such as wrongful termination cases. Having a systematic appraisal process ensures that companies have a record of performance-related discussions.
  10. Business Growth: A workforce that is continuously improving, aligned with business goals, and engaged is pivotal for the overall growth and success of any business. Regular appraisals ensure that the workforce remains a driving force behind business achievements.

Employee appraisals are not just a formality but a strategic tool that can significantly impact a company’s success. By offering insights, fostering growth, and building stronger employee-manager relationships, appraisals can transform the company’s culture, making it more performance-driven, transparent, and growth-oriented.

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